Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Feel, New Look

It occurred to me the other day that I really have not been writing about what I had intended to when I first started this blog. Many of you will remember that I started this blog to better understand the phenomenon of social networks like blogs, Facebook, and My Space. At that time, my idea was to post random thoughts that I had. You know, the kind of things that make you go hmmm. When I started, they were a lot of things going on in my life, and these made there way into my blogs. Things have quieted down a lot now, and I have been thinking that it may be time to get back to the original theme.

Hopefully, with this idea, I will be able to post more often, and maybe reach a wider readership. I am planning (hopefully) to add pictures, links to stories on other sites, etc. This is not to say this I have abandoned posting stories on exciting, or interesting things that happen it my life. These will still appear, and with the new content, I hope to provide a fuller, richer space for my readers.

So, please stay tuned for the new blog, complete with a new look, and new content.