Monday, October 15, 2007

Back after a long absence

My last post was July 30, two days before I started my new job. So much has happened since then, it is difficult to determine where to start. I will begin with the new job, and move forward. I am really enjoying the new job, and the people are great! The first week or so was difficult, learning new software and systems. Because my predecessor left before I started, I had no one to show me the procedures, operations, etc. Fortunately, by manager is great, but he is based in Atlanta. There are other IT personnel in Atlanta that I can call or instant message for support, and this work pretty well. The company has held a couple of events for the staff. My wife and I attended an evening dinner cruise, and I recently participated in the annual golf tournament, where my team came in third.

This is it for tonight. In the coming days, I will be posting about the rest of my summer. Stay tuned for posts about another car accident, my first race, and other interesting info.