Canada hit a milestone over the weekend of December 5, 2008, unfortunately it was a milestone that no one wanted to happen. On Friday December 5, Corporal Mark Robert McLaren, Pte Demetrios Diplaros, and Warrant Officer Robert John Wilson were killed while serving in Afghanistan, bringing the total to 100. This is not about whether Canadian Soldiers should be there, but rather this is about showing support for the soldiers who are still there, and showing respect to those soldiers and their families who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
I have gathered the names, rank, unit, age, marital staus, and whether they had children, and have posted here, all in one location. I have also included a brief description of the circumstances of their deaths. I apologize for any errors this list may contain. If you find any, please leave me a comment and I will make corrections.
I ask that you read through the list, and as you do, please take the time to reflect what this men and woman have done in the name of our great country, Canada. Do not forget those who are still overseas, serving as part of Canada's military family. Over the holiday season, remember that while you are enjoying time with family and friends, that the members of our military are in harms way, thousands of miles from home. I will let the words of Corporal Grenon explain why they are there.
A Soldier's Poem
Cpl. Andrew Grenon wrote this poem during his 2006 tour of duty in Afghanistan entitled "Why We Fight:". Corporal Grenon was killed September 8, 2008 when his squad was attacked during a patrol.
"I've often asked myself why we are here. Why my government actually agreed to send troops to this God-forsaken place.
"There are no natural resources. No oil, gold, or silver. Just people.
"People who have been at war for the last 40 plus years. People who want nothing more than their children to be safe. People who will do anything for money; even give their own life.
"I look into the eyes of these people. I see hate, destruction and depression. I see love, warmth, kindness and appreciation.
"Why do we fight? For in this country, there are monsters. Monsters we could easily fight on a different battlefield, at a different time. Monsters that could easily take the fight to us.
"Surrounding these mud walls and huts is a country in turmoil. A country that is unable to rebuild itself. A country that cannot guarantee a bright future for its youth.
Lost in action, but never forgotten...
1. April 17, 2002: Sgt. Marc D. Leger – Age 29, married, no children, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, killed by American friendly fire.
2. April 17, 2002: Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer – Age 24, engaged, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, killed by American friendly fire.
3. April 17, 2002: Pte. Richard A. Green – Age 21, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, killed by American friendly fire.
4. April 17, 2002: Pte. Nathan Smith – Age 24, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, were killed by American friendly fire.
5. Oct. 2, 2003: Sgt. Robert Alan Short – Age 42, married, two children, 3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed by a roadside bomb.
6. Cpl. Robbie Christopher Beerenfenger – Age 29, married, three children, 3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed by a roadside bomb.
7. Jan. 27, 2004: Cpl. Jamie Murphy – Age 26, married, Royal Canadian Regiment, killed by a suicide bomber.
8. Nov. 24, 2005: Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield – Age 24, Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed in a traffic accident.
9. March 2, 2006: Cpl. Paul Davis - Age 28, married, two children, 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry died when his LAV III collided with a civilian taxi.
10. March 5, 2006: Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson – Age 30, married, two children, 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, succumbed to injuries suffered in the LAV- III crashed.
11. March 29, 2006: Pte. Robert Costall Age 22, married, one child, 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed in a firefight with Taliban insurgents in the desert north of Kandahar.
12. April 22, 2006: Cpl. Matthew Dinning - 23, 5th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery, were killed when their armoured vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.
13.April 22, 2006: Bombardier Myles Mansell – Age 25, engaged, 5th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery, were killed when their armoured vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.
14. April 22, 2006: Lieut. William Turner - 45, 5th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery, were killed when their armoured vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.
15. April 22, 2006: Cpl. Randy Payne - Age 32, wife, two children, 5th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery, were killed when their armoured vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.
16. May 17, 2006: Capt. Nichola Goddard – Age 26, married, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and Canada's first female combat death, killed during battle against Taliban forces
17. July 9, 2006: Cpl. Anthony Joseph Boneca – Age 21, Lake Superior Scottish Regiment, was killed during fighting with the Taliban.
18. July 22, 2006: Cpl. Francisco Gomez – Age 44, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, attacked by a suicide bomber.
19. July 22, 2006: Corporal Jason Patrick Warren – Age 29, Black Watch Royal Highland Regiment, attacked by a suicide bomber.
20. August 3, 2006: Cpl. Christopher Jonathan Reid – Age 34, 1st Battalion of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, killed by a roadside bomb.
21. August 3, 2006: Sargeant Vaughn Ingram – Age 35, wife, two children, 1sBattalion Process Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, killed by rocket propelled grenades.
22. August 3, 2006: Corporal Bryce Jeffrey Keller – Age 27, 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, killed by rocket propelled grenades.
23. August 3, 2006: Private Kevin Dallaire – Age 22, and an unnamed soldier, 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry were killed by rocket propelled grenades.
24. August 5, 2006: Master Cpl. Raymond Arndt – Age 31, Loyal Edmonton Regiment, was killed when a G-Wagon making a supply run collided with a civilian truck.
25. August 9, 2006: Master Cpl. Jeffrey Scott Walsh – Age 33, married, three children, 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was shot in a "weapons related accident" unrelated to enemy fire.
26. August 11, 2006: Cpl. Andrew James Eykelenboom - Age 23, 1st Field Ambulance was killed when his vehicle was hit by a suicide bomber.
27. August 22, 2006: Corp. David Braun – Age 27, 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed by a suicide bomber.
28. September 3, 2006: Warrant Officer Richard Francis Nolan – Age 39, married, four children, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed in fierce fighting in southern Afghanistan.
29. September 3, 2006: Warrant Officer Frank Robert Mellish – Age 38, married, two children, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed in fierce fighting in southern Afghanistan.
30. September 3, 2006: Private William Jonathan James Cushley – Age 21, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed in fierce fighting in sourthern Afghanistan.
31. September 3, 2006: Sergeant Shane Stachnik – Age 30, married, two children, 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment, were killed in fierce fighting in southern Afghanistan.
32. September 4, 2006: Pte. Mark Anthony Graham – Age 33, one child, 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed in a friendly fire incident involving an American A-10 Warthog aircraft.
33. September 4, 2006: Private David Byers - 22, engaged, fiancee pregnant, 2nd Princess Patricia's Candian Light Infantry, killed while on patrol by a suicide bomber.
34. September 18, 2006: Cpl Shane Keating – Age 30, 2nd Pricncess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, killed while on patrol by a suicide bomber.
35. September 18, 2006: Cpl Keith Morley, - 30, 2nd Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, killed while on patrol by a suicide bomber.
36. September 18, 2006: Corporal Glen Arnold -age 32, married, four children, 2nd Field Ambulance, killed while on patrol by a suicide bomber.
37. September 29, 2006: Pte. Josh Klukie – Age 23, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed by an improvised explosive device.
38. October 3, 2006: Sgt. Craig Gillam – Age 40, married, two children, Royal Canadian Dragoons, killed in a series of mortar and rocket attacks.
39. October 3, 2006: Cpl. Robert Mitchell, - Age 32, married three children, the Royal Canadian Dragoons, killed in series of mortar and rocket attacks.
40. October 7, 2006: Mark Andrew Wilson – Age 39, married, two children, Royal Canadian Dragoons, was killed when his armoured vehicle was hit by a roadside explosion.
41. October 14, 2006: Sergeant Darcy Tedford – Age 32, married, two children, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed in a storm of gunfire and RPGs.
42. October 14, 2006: Private Blake Williamson – Age 23, 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, killed in a storm of gunfire and RPGs.
43. November 27, 2006: Corporal Albert Storm – Age 36, two children, 1st Royal Canadian Regiment, killed by suicide car bomber.
44. November 27, 2006: Sergeant Maj. Bob Girouard – Age 46, married, three children, 1st Royal Canadian Regiment, killed by a suicide car bomber.
45. March 6, 2007: Cpl. Kevin Megeney- Age 25, 1st Battalion Nova Scotia, shot in what's believed to be a "friendly fire" incident.
46. April 8, 2007: Sgt. Donald Lucas – Age 31, married, two children, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed when the vehicle he was travelling struck a roadside bomb.
47. April 8, 2007: Pte. Kevin Kennedy – Age 20, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed when the vehicle he was travelling struck a roadside bomb.
48. April 8, 2007: Cpl. Aaron E. Williams – Age 23, engaged, one child, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed when the vehicle he was travelling struck a roadside bomb.
49. April 8, 2007: Pte. David R. Greenslade – Age 20, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed when the vehicle he was travelling struck a roadside bomb.
50. April 8, 2007: Cpl. Christopher P. Stannix – Age 24, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed when the vehicle he was travelling struck a roadside bomb.
51. April 8, 2007: Cpl. Brent Poland – Age 37, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, killed when the vehicle he was travelling struck a roadside bomb.
52. April 11, 2007: Master Cpl. Allan Stewart – Age 31, married, two children, Royal Canadian Dragoons, died after his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
53. April 11, 2007: Trooper Patrick James Pentland – Age23, Royal Canadian Dragoons, died after his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
54. April 18, 2007: Master Cpl. Anthony Klumpenhouwer - Age 25, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, died in an accident when he fell while climbing a communications tower.
55. May 25, 2007: Corp. Matthew McCully – Age 25, 2nd Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron, killed by a roadside bomb.
56. May 30, 2007: Master Corporal Darrell Jason Priede - Age 30, International Security Assistance Force, died when his helicopter was shot down.
57. June 11, 2007: Trooper Darryl Caswell – Age 25, Royal Canadian Dragoons, was killed when the armoured vehicle he was driving was ripped apart by an improvised explosive device.
58. June 20, 2007: Sergeant Christos Karigiannis – Age 31, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, were killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
59. June 20, 2007: Corporal Stephen Frederick Bouzane – age 26, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, were killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
60. June 20, 2007: Private Joel Vincent Wiebe - Age262, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, were killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
61. July 4, 2007: Captain Matthew Johnathan Dawe – Age 25, married, one child, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, were killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
62. July 4, 2007: Corporal Cole Bartsch – Age 23, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, were killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
63. July 4, 2007: Corporal Jordan Anderson – Age 25, married, 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, were killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
64. July 4, 2007: Captain Jefferson Francis – Age 37, married, one child, 1st Royal Canadian Heavy Artillery.
65. July 4, 2007:: Private Lane Watkins – Age 20, 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry,
66. July 4, 2007: Master-Corporal Colin Bason – Age 28, married, one child, Royal Westminster Regiment, were killed when a roadside bomb hit their vehicle.
67. August 19, 2007: Private Simon Longtin – Age 23, Van Doos Regiment, was killed by a roadside bomb.
68. August 22, 2007: Master Cpl. Christian Duchesne – Age 34, married, three children, 5th Ambulance Company, 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment (the Van Doo), was killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
69. August 22, 2007: Master Warrant Officer Mario Mercier – Age 43, married, three children, 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment (the Van Doo), was killed when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
70. August 29, 2007: Major Raymond Ruckpaul – Age 42, International Security Assistance Force, was killed by self-inflicted gunshot wound.
71. September 24, 2007: Corporal Nathan Hornburg – Age 24, King's Own Calgary Regiment, died in heavy mortar fire.
72. November 17, 2007: Corporal Nicholas Raymond Beauchamp – Age28, married, two children, 5th Field Ambulance, Royal 22nd Regiment, was killed when a roadside bomb exploded.
73. November 17, 2007: Private Michel Levesque – Age 25 engaged, expecting, Royal 22nd Regiment, was killed when a roadside bomb exploded.
74. December 30, 2007: Jonathan Dion - 27, 5th Regiment d’Artillerie legere du Canada, was killed by roadside bomb.
75. January 6, 2008: Warrant Officer Hani Massouh – Age 41, married, one child, 2nd Battalion of the Royal 22e Regiment, was killed when his Light Armoured Vehicle rolled over.
76. January 6, 2008: Corporal Éric Labbé – Age31, 2nd Battalion of the Royal 22e Regiment, was killed when his Light Armoured Vehicle rolled over.
77. January 15, 2008: Trooper Richard Renaud – Age 26, married, two children, 12e Regiment blindé du Canada, was killed when his vehicle struck an Improvised Explosive Device.
78. January 24, 2008: Corporal Sapper Etienne Gonthier – Age 21, 5th Combat Engineer Regiment, died during a road-clearing operation in Afghanistan.
79. March 2, 2008: Trooper Michael Y. Hayakaze – Age 25, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians),was killed when his armoured vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
80. March 11, 2008: Bombardier Jeremie Ouellet – Age 22, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, died, from a non-combat related incident.
81. March 16, 2008: Sgt. Jason Boyes – Age32, married, one child, 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, was killed by an explosive device while on foot patrol.
82. April 4, 2008: Pte. Terry John Street – Age 24, 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed when his vehicle was struck by an Improvised Explosive Device.
83. May 6, 2008: Cpl. Corporal Michael Starker – Age 36, 15 Field Ambulance, was killed by insurgents.
84. June 3, 2008: Capt. Richard Steve Leary – Age 32, married, 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed in a firefight while on a foot patrol.
85. June 7, 2008: Cpt. Jonathan (Jon) Sutherland Snyder – Age 26, engaged, 1st Battalion of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, died when he fell into a well while on night patrol.
86. July 4, 2008: Corporal Brendan Anthony Downey – Age 37, married, two children, 17th Wing Detachment Dundurn Security and Military Police, was found dead on at undisclosed Middle Eastern base. The death is considered non-combat related.
87. July 5, 2008: Private Colin William Wilmot – Age 24, 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed by an explosion during a foot patrol in Afghanistan.
88. July 18, 2008: Corporal James Hayward Arnal – Age 25, 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed on by a roadside bomb.
89. August 9, 2008: Master Corporal Joshua Brian Roberts – Age not disclosed, married, expecting, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, succumbed to his injuries after enemy engagement.
90. August 11, 2008: Master Corporal Erin Doyle – Age 32, married, one child, 3rd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry was killed by insurgents.
91. August 20, 2008: Sergeant Shawn Allen Eades – Age 33, married, two children, 12 Field Squadron 1 Combat Engineer Regiment attached to the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, was killed after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.
92. August 20, 2008: Cpl. Dustin Wasden – Age 25, married, one child, 12 Field Squadron 1 Combat Engineer Regiment attached to the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, was killed after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.
93. August 20, 2008: Sapper Stephan Stock – Age 25, 12 Field Squadron 1 Combat Engineer Regiment attached to the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, was killed after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.
94. September 3, 2008: Corporal Mike Seggie - Age, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Rifle Infantry, was killed when he was attacked during a patrol.
95. September 3, 2008: Corporal Andrew Grenon, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Rifle Infantry, was killed when he was attacked during a patrol.
96. September 3, 2008: Private Chad Horn, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Rifle Infantry, was killed when he was attacked during a patrol.
97. September 7, 2008: Sergeant Prescott Shipway - Age, 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Light Infantry, was killed following a roadside bomb explosion.
98. December 5, 2008: Corporal Mark Robert McLaren – Age 23, engaged, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed when a roadside bomb detonated near his vehicle.
99. December 5, 2008: Private Demetrios Diplaros – Age 24, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed when a roadside bomb detonated near his vehicle.
100. December 5, 2008: Warrant Officer Robert John Wilson – Age 38, married, two children, 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed when a roadside bomb detonated near his vehicle.
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