Friday, July 13, 2007

being 'on the web'

It's funny how some people take to the web like a duck takes to water. Some people feel the need to be on the World Wide Web - to make their existence know to the world. They have their own web sites, blogs, belong to Facebook, My Space, et al. Surprisingly, despite this blog, I am not one of those people. I created this blog to see what all of the excitement was about. You see, I work in the Information Technology field, and I have quite a few people ask me about 'getting on the web', and how to blog and use Face Book. I guess they figure because I work in the filed that I know everything about it. So in order to get them an informed answer, I decided to create this blog. Who knows, I might even sign up for Face Book, or create my own web site.

I think the need to know that other people like you, or find you interesting, or that it is cool to 'be on the web' is what is driving things like blogging, My Space, and other such site. As long as this sites are used in the appropriate manner, that is OK. When people start to use them to bully, spread hate or lies, then these sites have become nothing more than a modern version of Adolf Hitler's propaganda machine.

So I enter into this experiment with an open, but cautious mind, determined to try and understand the allure of being 'on the web'. Hopefully when the next person asks me about blogging, I will be able to give them an informed answer.
